Thursday, August 07, 2003

Hogwash Bummer

Hogwash Bummer

Rarely have so many written so much based on so little....

How about this:

"On April 28, the day before Mike would have been ordered released, the
U.S. Justice Department issued a Complaint, charging Mike with Conspiracy to
Levy War on the United States. Mike is being targeted because he is a Muslim.
The Justice Department has organized a smear campaign to portray him as a radical."

From Warblogging (a blog about making war against Republicans apparently):
"I urge you to write letters to the editors of your local newspapers.
Call your senators, call your congressmen. Call into your local radio talk shows.
Make a fuss. Tell everyone who will listen about Mike Hawash.
He deserves it, and so does the next one who will be dragged into this Kafka-esque nightmare."

From Wired: Ex-Intel VP Fights for Detainee

Oh, let's not forget the ever-accurate New York Times:

Terrorism Task Force Detains an American Without Charges


Washington Post

(An earlier Fox News article
would have not been credible):
"Yes, your honor," Hawash said in federal court in Portland this morning,
when U.S. District Judge Robert E. Jones asked if Hawash and the others in his
group of alleged conspirators had been "prepared to take up arms and die as
martyrs if necessary to defend the Taliban government in Afghanistan."

Ladies and Gentelmen... Let the backpedaling begin...

Kafka-esque indeed.