Monday, November 27, 2006

Did George W. Bush Kill JFK?

That’s what makes us so smart. We know that JFK was actually assassinated by a 17-year-old George W. Bush in order ensconce fellow Texan Lyndon Johnson in the White House, thus laying the historical background necessary to facilitate Lady Bird Johnson’s highway beautification scheme years later—a scheme that encourages oil consumption by brainwashed pleasure drivers entranced by the wafting aroma of beautiful mind-controlling uber-poppies. Oh, and Halliburton.

Great article.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Giant, Helpless, Pitiful Democratic Majority

In the Senate, there is no such thing as a majority. Ever since the elder Bush's administration, the filibuster has become routine. No longer reserved for civil-rights issues or for egregious legislation, it now is used to counter even motions for recess and adjournment. Members of the Senate are no longer subjected to the indignity of standing on their feet and reading a telephone book. Rather, the gentlemen’s filibuster applies.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Clinton Won Easily, but Bankroll Shows the Toll

WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 — She had only token opposition, but Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton still spent more on her re-election — upward of $30 million — than any other candidate for Senate this year. So where did all the money go?

Same place all your tax money will go if she gets to be Pres. Dems are not provably better than Repubs at keeping their hands out of the public trough. They are better at increasing the size of the trough though.

Democrats Target Wealth Gap Democrats Target Wealth Gap And Hope Not to Hit Economy

Divide Between Rich and Poor Continues to Widen; Spurs 'Robin Hood' Plans


Sunday, November 19, 2006

December 7, 2008

"The failure of many Americans, including many of the leading Democrats in Congress, and some Republicans, to fully appreciate the persistent, long-term threat posed to America's liberties and survival, and to the future of Liberal Democracies everywhere, by an Islamic Resistance Movement that envisions a world dominated and defined by an Islamic Caliphate of religious totalitarianism, and which will fight any war, make any sacrifice, suffer any hardship, and pay any price to achieve it, may prove to be the kind of blunder upon which the fate of America turns, and falls."

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Rubin's Tax Gambit

By the way, how does Mr. Rubin continue to dodge any historical accountability for the dot-com bust of 2000 and the recession that followed? In the liberal economic narrative, we are supposed to believe that the Clinton Administration somehow ended in 1999, and that Mr. Bush is to blame for everything that followed. Yet the Nasdaq peak came in the spring of 2000 and the third quarter of that year recorded negative growth. The shallow recession began in March 2001, with slower-than-average growth continuing until the tax cuts on dividends and the top marginal income rate passed in 2003 and the expansion moved into high gear.

One wonders.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Peace mom Sheehan arrested in Washington

WASHINGTON - Activist Cindy Sheehan was arrested Wednesday as she led about 50 protesters to a White House gate Wednesday to deliver anti-war petitions she said were signed by 80,000 Americans.

Better get the publicity now Cindy. The old act won't show so well now.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Left, Glad to be Hoodwinked

Honesty is not just therapeutic. Fiscal honesty is a practical necessity. A New Direction for America rightly denounces the staggering fiscal irresponsibility of Republican leaders and duly promises "pay-as-you-go" spending. But in the entire document there is not one explicit revenue raiser to balance the many new spending programmes and tax credits.

Michael Kinsley is glad he voted before he found out the Dems have no fiscal plan. Now we know what sort of thing we are dealing with in the mainstream media: "Don't confuse us with the facts."

But it has been pointed out that the Left has no plan for months, years. No plan for Iraq either, by the way. With the attention span of MTV junkies, our country, like Nicaragua, will swing left again and hope to somehow eliminate poverty and disease overnight. Good luck.

It is our continued good fortune to watch Europe and parts of South America try socialist experiments over and over again and fail. In their case, that, coupled with the fact that their "Mexicans" are also Jihadists is going to be an irreversible disaster. Maybe someday, only after much of western civilization is wiped from the history books, someone will learn from these experiments. It doesn't look like it will be us though, or if so, not soon.

If there were a rocket ship to go to some desolate planet to get away from you loonies, I most certainly would be booking passage.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Dems embrace an anti-war hoaxer

John Kerry's "botched joke"/habitual troop slander has soaked up most of the blogosphere and MSM's attention the past week. But under the radar screen, another embarrassing controversy involving the Democrats and the military has been brewing.

But the video at the end of the story seems even more incredible.

As frequently as the left uses the word "lie" you would think they would check the "facts" that support their theories a bit more carefully.

Friday, November 03, 2006

October Surprise in November, From Surprising Source

Is it Christmas already? Here is another related link.

I guess with American attention span becoming so short these things have to be put off as long as possible.

Could there yet be a "Day of election surprise"?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Kerry's '72 Army Comments Mirror Latest

During a Vietnam-era run for Congress three decades ago, John Kerry said he opposed a volunteer Army because it would be dominated by the underprivileged, be less accountable and be more prone to "the perpetuation of war crimes."


AARP's Tax Trap

Translation: AARP was hoping to use its candidate survey to nail down enough support to raise taxes on Social Security and to defeat private investment accounts if Mr. Bush pushes for reform again next year. But now that its scheme has been exposed and is hurting its Democratic pals in tight races, AARP leaders want to deny that this is what they meant. Let's hope Republicans remember this AARP double-dealing, which resembles what the lobby did in endorsing a drug plan for Medicare in 2003 only to call it inadequate now.

... But I ONLY joined for the free stuff!