Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Left, Glad to be Hoodwinked

Honesty is not just therapeutic. Fiscal honesty is a practical necessity. A New Direction for America rightly denounces the staggering fiscal irresponsibility of Republican leaders and duly promises "pay-as-you-go" spending. But in the entire document there is not one explicit revenue raiser to balance the many new spending programmes and tax credits.

Michael Kinsley is glad he voted before he found out the Dems have no fiscal plan. Now we know what sort of thing we are dealing with in the mainstream media: "Don't confuse us with the facts."

But it has been pointed out that the Left has no plan for months, years. No plan for Iraq either, by the way. With the attention span of MTV junkies, our country, like Nicaragua, will swing left again and hope to somehow eliminate poverty and disease overnight. Good luck.

It is our continued good fortune to watch Europe and parts of South America try socialist experiments over and over again and fail. In their case, that, coupled with the fact that their "Mexicans" are also Jihadists is going to be an irreversible disaster. Maybe someday, only after much of western civilization is wiped from the history books, someone will learn from these experiments. It doesn't look like it will be us though, or if so, not soon.

If there were a rocket ship to go to some desolate planet to get away from you loonies, I most certainly would be booking passage.

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