Saturday, January 28, 2006

Flourishes and flubs - R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. on "Alioto" Hearings

"I cannot rid from my mind the name Alioto, Judge Samuel Alioto. That is the name of Judge Samuel Alito as pronounced by the delightful Sen. Edward Kennedy, or is it Eduardo Kennedino?

No, it is simply Teddy, and he is as entertaining as any U.S. senator since the days of the soused Southerners, who would tipple their way through the dreamy days on Capitol Hill, rousing themselves for histrionic oratory in the midafternoon and then slumping back into their seats, awaiting the late afternoon hour when they would all gather in one or another's chambers for a 'restorative' -- then on to dinner. "

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - The Wages of Leaks

'I believe, I accept, your explanation that you didn't want to hurt the United States, that you are a loyal American,' Judge Ellis said in sentencing Mr. Franklin. But 'it doesn't matter that you think you were really helping,' the judge said. 'That arrogates to yourself the decision whether to adhere to a statute passed by Congress, and we can't have that in this country.'

Monday, January 23, 2006

Triumph of the Redistributionist Left |

"Republicans' capture of both Congress and the White House was, understandably, a demoralizing blow to the left. But the latter can take solace that 'Republican' is no longer synonymous with spending restraint, free markets, and other ideals of the political right."


Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Barrett report by Robert Novak

"The long-awaited final report by Independent Counsel David Barrett, to be released today [Thursday], was severely censored by court order but not enough to sufficiently obscure its importance. As long forecast, it alleges serious corruption in the Clinton administration's Justice Department and Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The question is what was contained in 120 pages removed by the judges."

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


"Andrew Jackson, the father of the Democratic Party, may have had some unpalatable goals, but at least they were big ideas. Wipe out the Indians, kill off the national bank and institute a spoils system. Love him or hate him, he never said, 'I'll be announcing my platform sometime early next year.' The Whigs were formed in opposition to everything Jackson stood for.

The Republican Party emerged from the Whigs when the Whigs waffled on slavery. (They were 'pro-choice' on slavery.) The Republican Party was founded expressly as the anti-slavery party, which to a great extent remains their position today."

Monday, January 16, 2006

CNN banned from Iran for nuclear translation gaffe

"He said a restoration of CNN's right to work in Iran would depend on an assessment of the broadcaster's future coverage of the Islamic state."

If only we could do the same thing here!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Media Report Miracle Mine Rescue -- Then Carry the Tragic Truth

"The Washington Post story by Ann Scott Tyson, which appeared on the front page, opened: 'A dozen miners trapped 12,000 feet into a mountainside since early Monday were found alive Tuesday night just hours after rescuers found the body of a 13th man, who had died in an explosion in an adjacent coal mine that was sealed off in early December.'"