Friday, July 22, 2005

LA Times Overly Concerned

The (over)exercise of power: "Am I the only person who finds this disturbing? I don't mean the fact that Bush would vet his selection for the highest court in the land in part on something utterly trivial. That's expected. What I mean is the fact that Bush has an obsession with exercise that borders on the creepy."

Well, no you are probably not the ONLY one, but more people find it disturbing that the money losing LA press doesn't have better things to be disturbed about. Were you disturbed by all those jogging pictures during the Clinton years? Were you curious that after all that supposed excercise he got fatter and fatter. Were you disturbed by the comparisons between Kerry falling off his 10-speed on a Washington street and Bush falling off a mountain bike riding up a hill composed of soft sand?

I'd be checking into the reasons behind all of your concern. We don't buy it any more. also thinks it odd that Bush is critisized for something worthy of praise.

I guess I'm not the only one who is disturbed at their being disturbed. Do we have the makings of a Monty Python sketch here?

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